Llanganuco Lakes

Driving down along the Santa Valley towards the north, from the town of Yungay the ascent begins towards the lagoons of Llanganuco. Fitted in a classic valley of glacial origin the two beautiful lagoons are flanked by the gigantic snowed mountains  Huascarán (the highest tropical mountain in the world with 6768m), and the Huandoy, with four summits surpassing 6000m. Towards the bottom of the valley the Chacraraju and the Chopicalqui mouts rise threatening, other two colossuses that compete in height with the Huandoy. The borders of the lagoons covered by forests with queñuas are invite for picnic and the surrounding footpaths are attractive for brief walks.

Another interesting option can be to follow the Santa Valley road until Caraz, a beautiful town with tempered climate, surrounded by fields covered with flowers and fruit trees, and with cosy places to have lunch.

If desired to continue exploring the valley,, one can enter the inposing and narrow Pato Canyon until Huallanca, where the road often goes along vertical granite walls and within tunnels

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