The main tourist attractions in this superb area are Huancaya and Vilca: The most stunning scenery is found about 20km from the Cañete River between the picturesque and traditional villages of Huancaya and Vilca. Ever since it’s beginning the river has been a vital source for the lagoons and waterfalls in the area.

Lakes and Waterfalls: Between the villages of Vilca and Huancaya you can find the small Huascacocha, Huarimarca, Cuchupasca and Huallhua lakes, as well as the Chinchan-Chupaca, Cuchupasca and Carhuayno waterfalls. Huancaya and Vilca colonial bridges: Four colonial foot bridges stand out for their excellent conserved state.

Other very interesting sites are: Laraos and Vitis: These picturesque Andean villages are located before Huancaya and are known for the vast amount of pre-Inca terraces located in the area. Lake Papacocha: Located above Vilca, this lake is surrounded by reeds and a queñual forest with a stunning waterfall cutting through.
Weather: In the majority of the towns in this region the days are hot in the sun and cool in the shade, with temperatures passing 20ºC, which is why it´s recommended to use sunblock and a sun hat. The nights are chilly, dropping below 10ºC.

At the east of the Yauyos region there is an important highlight, the Pariacaca, snow covered mountain which was a very sacred Apu on the way to the Pachacamac oracle temple facinng the Pacific ocean for the preInca and Inca times, both sacred sites, linked by a pilgrimage ancient trail starting in Cusco,
The rainy season is from November to March throughout the sierra. The best months to visit the Reserve are April and May when everything is green and flowering.
Where to eat: In Cañete and Lunahuaná the most common and delicious dishes have a seafood base, with shrimp from the river marinated in local Pisco. The most well-known restaurant in Cañete is El Piloto. Further up and also along the river many plates are trout based. It is also worth mentioning dishes like pachamanca, which is meat and potatoes cooked underground, lamb soup, patasca, potatoes with cheese, and alpaca, milk and cheese soup.

As for drinks, “chamis” or “quemadito” stand about above everything else. They are a combination of local herbs with cinnamon, lemon and brandy.
For dessert try sweet potato jelly (mazamorra) or sweet corn mazamorra. It is always recommended to advise the people where you will eat ahead of time, as there is not always a large amount of tourists. In Huancaya you will find the restaurant Tradición and in Vilcas the restaurant Brisas de Papacocha, both of which are good choices for enjoying traditional dishes.