ENJOY GOLF NEAR CUSCO IN THE UNIQUE AND EXCLUSIVE ECOLOGICAL APACHETA PITCH & PUTT GOLF COURSE, PAR 3 OF ANDEAN ORIGINS TOURS AND SPORTS IN URUBAMBA, PUMAHUANCA, SACRED VALLEY, CUSCO. Peru now has a fascinating golf course near CUSCO, on the way to Machu Picchu, with he new Apacheta Pitch & Putt Ecological Golf, built […]
Chachapoyas cultural excursion

Driving either from Chiclayo you will be crossing the lowest Andean Pass to the north of the country, or flying from Lima to the Jaen airport. Crossing by car the low Porculla (2150 m.a.s.l.) Andean pass, you would arrive to the road passing the left detour to Jaen (where the closest working airport to Chachapoyas […]
Sechin Ruins

The interesting Sechín site dates to about 1600 BC, making it among the oldest in Peru. There are two main buildings at Sechín, one made of adobe and one made of stone. The ruins are set against a backdrop of a huge, barren, rocky mountain which rises immediately behind the ruins. The square temple is […]
Chavin de Huantar Culture

The ruins of Chavin de Huantar are located to the east of the Cordillera Blanca, about 110km from Huaraz, and at an altitude of 3250m. This fortress-temple was constructed between 1200 and 300 BC and is the only large structure remaining from the Chavin culture. It is thought to have been a major ceremonial and […]
Llanganuco Lakes

Driving down along the Santa Valley towards the north, from the town of Yungay the ascent begins towards the lagoons of Llanganuco. Fitted in a classic valley of glacial origin the two beautiful lagoons are flanked by the gigantic snowed mountains Huascarán (the highest tropical mountain in the world with 6768m), and the Huandoy, with […]
About the Cordillera Blanca & Huaraz

The setting of Huaraz, at the foot of the Cordillera Blanca, is spectacular. You can see over 20 snow-capped peaks over 5000 meters, of which the most notable is Huascaran (6,768m), the highest mountain in Peru. The first thing that strikes you on arrival in Huaraz is that it cannot exactly be called a pretty […]
The Sican Museum

It is located in Ferreñafe, 25 minutes from the city of Chiclayo. It displays the different daily aspects of the Sican culture including different process for making pottery and metal crafts. In addition Sican Museum has an interesting display of the tombs of the Sican nobility. The Sican Culture The name Sicán, has recently been […]
The Sipan Culture and Museum

The November 2002 opening of the Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum, Latin America’s most spectacular new museum in Lambayeque, marked an important step for the conservation of the almost two thousand pieces which traveled around the world before finally finding a home in this building conceived in the style of the mausoleums of the ancient Mochica […]
Museums in Trujillo

The Museo de Arqueología, Antropología y Historia is housed in the elegant Casa Risco, a colonial house built in the early 18th century. This charts the development of pre-Hispanic cultures in northern Peru, especially the Moche, Chimú and Inca cultures. There are plenty of ceramics and some good explanations. The museum has a particularly good section on the […]
Huaca el Brujo & Lady of Cao

“Huaca Cao Viejo” is an archaeological site dating back to the Moche culture (100 BC-650 AD). It is a badly damaged, stepped pyramid with a central court that was probably used primarily for religious ceremonies. This pyramid is undoubtedly the most impressive Moche site in the Chicama Valley and is nowadays more often referred to as “Huaca […]